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10 interesting facts about Julius Caesar

About Rome


  1. Was he so popular with the women?

He was great “Casanova” in his centuries. Although he slept with many women, the mention of his supposed homosexual relationship with Nicomedes IV of Bithynia brought Caesar to a standstill. To ridicule him, his enemies insulted him by calling him "Queen of Bithynia". Is it really this history?

Although he had been married 3 times, his real love and the most famous relationship was Egyptian queen Cleopatra. They had been lovers for 14 years, having a son together too. He loved her so much that he even ordered to put a beautiful resembling statue of her in the Temple of Goddess Venus.


  1. Did he love the sport?

We know about the man legendary… I know! He went to each party, but it was not only he liked to go on foot as crossing great distances and he was an excellent swimmer.


  1. Did he change the days and hours of the calendar?

Of course! The Roman calendar was the system for dividing time in Ancient Rome until 45 BC, when Julio Caesar, that at that time was a dictator, decreed a drastic reform in the calendar, advised by Egyptian astronomers, creating the Julian calendar. According to the mythical tradition, the Roman calendar was created by the first of the kings and was used until 1582, when the Gregorian calendar was introduced.


  1. How about his life when he started losing his hair?

When he was young, he got great conquests and love affairs. Then, when Julius Caesar reached maturity, what happened? It happened to him the same thing as to almost all men of his age: baldness. Something really tragic for a famous person like him.


  1. His most famous speech

“Veni, vidi, vici”, many of you have heard this phrase sometimes for sure or you may have even used it. This is originally in the Latin language, the one used throughout Roman Empire, meaning “ I came, I saw, I conquered”. Most of the historians state that he spoke this way after he had won a difficult battle in Turkey, that’s why it is a synonym of a great victory.


  1. Caesar vs. pirates

At the age of 25, Caesar was kidnapped by pirates. It happened during his trip from Rome to Rhodes through the Aegean Sea when bumped into their ship.

However, he didn’t behave like a normal hostage, in fact, he spent his time thereby giving great speeches and joining them during sport and games on the ship.

During his stay on board, he had always told them that once he managed to get out of there he’d hunt them down each and every one of them. That was indeed what happened.

  1. Which his most famous battle?

Caesar was indeed one of the greatest commanders of all history, but which was his most memorable victory? During the Roman campaigns in the region of Gaul, the so-called Gallic Wars, Caesar was able to conquer a large area that corresponds to a territory between France and Belgium, so that he gained unmatched military and political power.

His campaign lasts almost 10 years: Meanwhile, the Senate started to fear him due to his incredible power and ordered him to come back to Rome, stating that his time as governor was over.

However, Caesar refused to do that and crossed Rubicon river with all his army.


  1. Ides of March

The fact that he was able to gain power so quickly and easily, made senators fear him. They were afraid that he could overthrow the Senate and hold all political power in his own hands in order to create tyranny. On the Ides of March, March 15th 44 BC, he was betrayed by more than 30 men, led by Gaius Cassius Longinus and Marcus Junius Brutus. Furthermore, he was stabbed 23 times over his body and that was when he died. The location of his death was very near to the Theatre of Pompey.

The day of his death was so famous that even Shakespeare dedicated to him and to his story one of his plays.

However, what is really recounted of his last day alive is his last sentence in Latin:Tu quoque, Brute, fili mi!”, literally “You too Brutus?”.

Being betrayed is horrible and being assassinated by Brutus himself was even more painful since Caesar really had faith in him, trusted him and forgave him many times.


  1. Family power and descendants

Julius Caesar was born in the 1st century BC. He was part one of the aristocratic families in Rome, Gens Iulia. He played a crucial role during the transformation from Republic to the Empire, also his descendants ruled in Rome for centuries.

He undoubtedly was one of the most representative people who embodied the spirit of Rome.


  1. Caesar in July

The seventh month of the year, nowadays called July, was named after Caesar: that happened after his death. You may wonder why this month. This was originally his birth month, once called Quintilis: in Latin language, Quintilis was the 5th month of the year, according to the ancient Roman calendar.


These were only some curiosities about Caesar. Do you wish to know more about the story of Ancient Rome and his Emperors? Contact our booking staff to find out the Tour that fits best your needs!

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